Thursday, July 13, 2006

Hoppin Styles...

I just hopped a turnstile. I'm 28 fucking years old! I have a masters degree! Come to think if it, its the first one I've ever hopped. I've gone under, I've snuck in the exit gates (back when you could just pull them open) but this is actually the first time I've up and vaulted one.

It was at the Canal Street Station. There are two sets of entrances, one towards the Q and N train and one towards the R and W. Only the N and W go towards my place and late at night the W doesn't run so I walked in the Q/N entrance. But I forgot that the N runs on the R/W track late at night at Canal Street until I saw the sign. Fuck. So I walk back towards the turnstiles I came in. There was probably some tunnel I could have taken to the R/W track but it would have taken forever and it have forced me to miss an N pulling in. Of course, as soon as I get in sight of the turnstile I hear a subway and its a fucking N so I start booking. The thing is, once I go out the turnstiles I came in I have to go back in through that other set to get to the RW track where I see the N pulling in. I had just swiped my Metro Card so I would have to wait 15 minutes to to use it again (I have an unlimited). The thought of having to sit an hour in the hot platform in my damp clothes (sweat and rain) for another train was so horrible that I decided to go for it. I ran full speed (for me) to the turnstile and in what I'm sure was a completely graceful maneuver, I placed my hands on the sides of the turnstiles, lifted my feet, ducked my head, swung over and through and ran into the subway car just as the car doors should have closed. But they didn't, they lingered open and I sat there nervously waiting to be thrown to the floor by a ganagload of plain clothes cops popping out of a revolving wall like in Hangin' With the Homeboys (great movie, "Pizarelli, thats an Italian name...") but nothing happened, the doors closed and the train pulled out. I made it. Except I banged the shit out of my knee when I was jumping over. Damn, I'm an old fucking man.

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