Sunday, December 24, 2006

Men in Tights

Dennis found a wikipedia of comic books, comicvine. I checked out the entries and the character profiles are really thin. I also don't know how big a fan I am of the rankings and that they're based on user voting. Is Mr. Fantastic indeed the smartest comic superhero on the planet? Yeah, the FF beat Galacuts waaay back in the day but that's only because Uatu the Watcher hooked them up with the Ultimate Nullfier. Otherwise Earth would have been toast. And Spider-Man is smarter than Galactus? Peter Parker is a bright kid and won some science fairs, but making a couple of high-pressure web-shooters doesn't really stack stack up against building machines that enable you to consume whole planets and imbuing numerous other lesser beings with God-like powers (Silver Surfer, Firelord, Nova just to name a few).

After checking out comicvine I went on Wikipedia to look at their comic entries and I found two things that have been providing me hours of fun. A list of 1) black superheroes and 2) asian superheroes. I didn't get to the latino heroes list but that's next up. And for more fun with racial stereotypes in comics, I checked out the Superfriends list. As stereotypical as the characters were, they also rarely appeared in the show next to the white mainstream ones so I guess that mitigated their harmful impact on my young impressionable asian mind. And if I remember correctly, they were in fact rotated, so that each espisode would feature one guest minority hero, but you would never see them all at once.

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